essay 1980 Melville, Margarita B.

ChicanosNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This paper is the introduction to documents nos. 47-66 in this file, which present a variety of data on Mexican American women collected by both Mexican American and Anglo American social scientists. The intent of these papers '…is to modify the ster...

essay 1980 Melville, Margarita B.

ChicanosNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
The general concept of motherhood among Mexican Americans is the main topic of this paper. Melville includes in his discussion brief bits of information on birth control (or lack thereof), abortion, childbirth, and infant feeding....

Gender roles
essay 1980 Melville, Margarita B.

ChicanosNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
Gender roles are one of the principal means of social specialization, and '…the critical factor in developing attitudes and behavior considered characteristic of a specific gender role. If a female has been socialized to believe that she has little c...

Cultural conflict
essay 1980 Melville, Margarita B.

ChicanosNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This is a brief and somewhat superficial article on conflict situations that arise among Mexican American women as they attempt to adjust or acculturate to Anglo American institutions. These conflicts, for example, involve changing Mexican values and...

Selective acculturation of female Mexican migrants
essay 1980 Melville, Margarita B.

ChicanosNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
As a result of extensive interviews and observations made in 1977, Melville found that Mexican women migrating into the city of Houston, Texas, adapted or acculturated in different degrees and with varying stress to urban life in the United States. T...